
Hey, I'm Sujoy  

In addition to my specialized knowledge of computer science, I have an appreciation for the breadth of this field and the nearly endless possibilities for further study. Highly driven product enthusiast with product and software development experience, strong problem-solving background, the ability to analyze complex technical information and working in a fast paced startup environment.

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-Product Sense-

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Mission Underdogs- Swiggy

The research outlines a new initiative by the food delivery platform Swiggy to help small, local businesses in tier 3 cities compete against larger restaurant chains. The initiative involves identifying and promoting lesser-known, independent restaurants on the Swiggy app.
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Uni-Recomm Engine

The idea is to build a personalized recommendation engine that helps students choose the best universities for studying abroad. The product takes into account various factors such as academic programs & affordability.
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Activation & Adoption Strategy

The plan is to first understand why Shipyaari’s mobile app has had stagnant user engagement in recent months(Assuming Q4 of the 2022-23 FY). This would require understanding the key activities that an end user can perform on the app and the value proposition the app provides to the shipper/customer.
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-Completed Projects/Coursework-

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Fake News in OSNs

The main aim of the present study is to understand fake news propagation patterns using epidemic models like SEIRMZ on a population that is not necessarily confined and can grow at a linear rate which in turn affects different compartments of the population.
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Smart Sign Boards

An innovative solution to create dynamic road signs that display information according to varying conditions of road parameters.
We are focusing on the aspect of dynamicity and smart factors into safe road travel.
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Engine Translator App

A multi activity app that gives basic translation tips from English to a special user defined language "Engine" and has multimedia features for pronunciation.
Explored Domains-
• Building layouts to display lists of data.
• Navigating between those lists using intents and multiple activities or a ViewPager.
• Properly handling images or audio.
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Tic-Tac-Toe App

A single activity nested layout app which uses taps as event listeners to play a simple game of Tic Tac Toe.
The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winner. It is a solved game with a forced draw assuming best play from both players.
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Coffee Order Summary App

An app that explores user input feature and generates an order summary which can be shared to social media using intents.
The app was coded using Java for the backend and XML layouts for UI.
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Basketball Court Score Counter App

A single activity nested layout app which uses button clicks to compare basketball scores of 2 teams and has a reset button.
Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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Support Customers Page

A web application built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the backend framework on PHP and MySQL.
It is a beginner level project that explores the usage of PHP for uploading the data taken from an HTML form to upload to a phpMyAdmin database. It also uses an integrated chatbot AI.
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Machine Learning Algo

Machine learning is an application of AI that provides the ability to automatically learn and improve from experiences.
Explored the basic algorithms as a part of secondary coursework for Pattern Recognition and statistical feature extraction on Python.
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Web Scraping

Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is data scraping used for extracting data from websites.
Explored the beautifulSoup library on python and tried scraping some random websites.
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(Mini Project)

xAPI defines a query API that is used to get statements out of a Learning Record Store (LRS). This API is primarily designed for the transfer of statements between LRSs.
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